Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pancake Breakfast

What could be better?  It's still cold outside, snow all over the place, so a pancake breakfast with Anthony's kindergarten class sounded like just the thing.  Here's Mr. Berns, the chef with the cakes sizzling on the griddle behind him.

Mommy was not feeling well, so I brought Anthony and Lucy to school for the delicious pancakes and fruit salad.  Anthony brought Mom's camera so he could document it for her!  And, of course, I can't be restrained - have I ever mentioned how much I love my Canon G11?  Anthony and his friend Nick had fun taking pictures of everything.

On a funny note, Lucy, who is such a determined, happy and busy girl, started a very tall tower which Anthony, at the very end, stood up to top off!  How typical is that???  I'm not sure he would have been so pleased to have her finish it for HIM.  Luckily, she still thinks he's just the greatest possible brother and, naturally, he is!

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