Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Birthday, Julie!

I haven't seen Julie is ages, so it was such a treat to be invited to her surprise birthday party!  Julie has been 39 for a while, but honestly only looks 38!

Many thanks to her friends in Hartland, who thought of me.  It was a great gathering and Jack and Cynthia opened their beautiful hillside home for dinner and cake.  TWO angel food cakes, in fact!  My low carb good intentions went right out the window, alas.

I had a wonderful time with Julie's friends, then spent the night (thanks to my friend Kathy who hosted Arlo and Rufus for a doggie sleepover).

We had time for coffee/tea and catching up in the morning before I drove home.  As you know, I love to have my photograph taken.  Partly, this is because I want to keep the experience fresh in my mind so I can inflict as little pain as possible on my clients, but second, I am a big camera hog and just like it.  I have Thom Randall to thank for that, I guess, since he took the first good photographs of me (that I paid attention to, anyway) back in 1966.  That experience also pointed me in the direction of photography as a career, kind of clarifying my somewhat muddled idea of doing something "arsty".

Julie took some great shots and here are a few.  I can't wait to see them all!  Thank you, sister.  XOXO

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