Monday, March 7, 2011

VPP March meeting

Patricia, Robin and I set out in the pre-dawn hours on our journey to The Woodstock Inn for a photography business and marketing seminar presented by Ann Monteith, and sponsored by Marathon Press.  This was a two day meeting put on by The Vermont Professional Photographers, the great group of pros I've hung out with for over 25 years.  It's always exciting and there's nothing better than bouncing ideas around with other photographers.

 We learned so much about how to stay profitable in the current economy and how to adapt to the realities of a digital photography world.

It's not for sissies!

After the Saturday program we all headed down to Bentley's in Woodstock, one of Vermont's prettiest towns, for food and fun.

For some reason our group separated into boys' and girls' tables - I will not speculate on why that happened, except to say they must like not having as much fun as we did...

Maybe they wanted to talk shop?  I know they weren't showing off their iPhone cameras like we were!

1 comment:

Kathleen North Porter said...

Such a great time! Thank you for capturing some fun moments Gillian. :)