Monday, March 7, 2011

So, that was yesterday...

 So, that was yesterday...rain in Woodstock, kind of a sign of impending Spring in Vermont, right? N-o-o-o!

This morning Arlo and Rufus were ready to go outside before breakfast, as usual.  Things did not look good - you can see the snow piled up against the door.  Outside?  24" and still pouring down!  There was a lot more on the porch, because of the wind.

Well, they weren't sure what to do and I pooped out after shoveling  just a few feet of the very wet, heavy snow.  Todd the plow guy came by about half an hour later, but he got stuck at the bottom of the driveway for about half an hour - this after having dug  a family in an SUV out of a giant snowbank earlier this morning.  State offices closed along with all the schools up north, of course, and my guess is the rally for Health Care Is A Human Right scheduled for tonight in Williston will be postponed, alas.

Luckily for me, the cavalry showed up in the form of Jon Davis (The Best Neighbor In The World) and his sidekick, Wolfie.  They made a BIG dent in my piles of snow.  Thank you, thank you!  Ed owes you, me and Todd a big turkey dinner when he gets back in April.

Al and Di - you picked a good week to get out of Dodge!

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