Monday, March 28, 2011

Two Big Breakthroughs!

WOW!  What a day at swimming lessons!

Remember the day you learned you could swim?  Or ride your bike?  No training wheels in my memory, but I clearly remember my Dad letting go and realizing I was riding alone.  Well, Anthony got that thrill on Saturday when he went from a floatie back pack and holding his nose under the water to...TA DA!  Freestyle with hands free!  Once he "got it" we could hardly get him out of the pool!

And Lucy!  She's been stoic in the water, but not her usual daring and confident self.  She, too, seemed to "get it", relaxing with Annie, rather than clinging to her like a monkey when in the water.  She even learned to put her head under.  It was so much fun and amazing to watch.

I have been so impressed with Annie Cooper's teaching style - she is endlessly patient and encouraging, funny and full of energy.  The kids just loved their lesson and went home pooped out and proud of themselves.

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