Friday, April 8, 2011

Photographers Party Hearty

I spent last weekend at the Vermont Professional Photographers convention and print competition at the Woodstock Inn.  I've been a member of this elite group since 1985 (yup, I was only 12 when I joined) and they have always been a a source of support, learning and camaraderie.

This convention was no exception to our rule of learning mixed with fun.  I roomed with my homies, Patricia and Robin and also served as chair of the print competition jury.  Pictured above are incoming VPP president Terry Norris and print committee chairman Lucas DeSousa.  The images submitted were beautiful and top award winning images can be seen on the VPP web site.

Here's a photo of Terry and the Pirates.  If you're too young to remember that Sunday comics strip, well, think of it as President Terry and his loyal band.  There are other hardworking board members, but they had scattered so we rounded up this gorgeous crew.

I served two terms as VPP President and one as President of the Professional Photographers Association of New England (PPANE, pronounced 'pain' and, yes, we're the queens of PPANE).  With me are Nancy Green, current PPANE Pres and Donna Goodhue who also served in that position.  PPANE is over 100 years old and has had six women presidents - FOUR of whom were from Vermont.  On the right is my dear friend Julie, another fab photographer.

In case you ever thought photographers might not be big camera hogs...  Thanks to judge and speaker Walter Van Dusen for setting up his "photo booth" so we could fool around in front of a camera for hours after our banquet and awards ceremony.

In the photos below:  Gillian and Walter pointing (which you're not supposed to do during judging!); Lucas, Susan and Terry; royal PPANE Nancy Green; retiring President Diane and husband John; Andrea and Lynnette; Lucas and a lampshade; Diane and Kelly.  Congratulations to Kelly who received the 2011 VPP President's Medal for all her hard work and support over the past year.

1 comment:

lucasphotographs said...

So much fun. Can't wait for next year.