Friday, March 4, 2011

Lucy's Swim Lesson

I got to take Lucy to her swim lesson with Annie (Essex Swim) at the beautiful pool at the Essex.  She had a great time and it was such fun to watch!  Lucy is athletic and fearless.  She'll excel at some sport in her life, I'm sure.  Annie was just great - she had all those little kids under her spell the whole time.

After that we went to the Bagel Market for a yummy treat before meeting Grandma who takes Lucy to yoga on Wednesdays.

The I had a lovely lunch at Leunig's Bistro on Church Street with Megan and her mom Sue who's been visiting from Pennsylvania.  Thanks to the host who took our picture - have I ever mentioned how much I love my Canon G11 camera, the one I can carry around in my pocket?  Megan's off to Germany today for a Classics and philosophy conference.  I think she'll have a wonderful time and maybe even relax!

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