Monday, March 21, 2011

Signs of Spring? Maybe Not!

 Well, it's snowing again.  But YESTERDAY was gorgeous.  Rufus, Arlo and I went down to Oakledge Park on the Burlington waterfront for a fabulous walk (well, they ran, I walked) along the bike path.  It was about 35° and sunny ~ perfect weather.

Before the park opens officially later in the year, there are not many people around, mostly those with dogs.  Everybody was off leash, so I let the boys run and explore.  Rufus fell through some thin ice, but was only up to his tummy, so getting out was not too hard.  We met lots of lovely dogs and owners, got all out of breath, it was great.  Once again I am so thrilled to live along Lake Chaplain and the beautiful bike path.

Later Patrica, Robin and I went to a concert by The Hinesburg Artist Series that we all agreed was a great way to welcome Spring.   Thanks to Rufus Patrick and the wonderful performers at St. Jude Church for a varied, but uniformly spectacular program.  The three Handel pieces at the end sent us out into the light (still light at 6:30 PM!) simply elated.  (Photo courtesy of the HAS web site.)

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