Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Princess Lucy turned three!  She has been patiently waiting for this event and it's finally happened.  She was thrilled with her new friend Emily (or Emma, depending on when you ask her name) a beautiful doll whose hair can be combed, washed, styled, you name it.

Lucy looks so much like my sister Barbara who also loved to comb hair on dolls, people, whatever.  When Barbara was little she could hardly sit still when she saw someone whose hair she wanted to comb!

After a birthday dinner on Saturday with mommy, Daddy and Anthony, Lucy invited some friends to tea on Tuesday.  We were requested to be "fancy", which took some doing on my part.  My fancy wardrobe is pretty sparse these days, but we did our best and she was very happy with our efforts.

Elizabeth made a delicious strawberry cake and there was tea, cookies and yummy cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches.  Lucy and Ruby put sprinkles on what turned out to be the pinkest cake I've ever seen!

Gabrielle and Christy helped with the preparations, and little friends Ruby, Hadley and Aunt Judy and cousin Josie helped with opening presents and eating and drinking.  It was all so neat and civilized - a real girl party, no rough housing, I'm just sayin'.

It was a lovey party and I was so happy to be invited.

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