Wednesday, December 1, 2010


We headed south last week, as far south as seems comfortable for cold-weather types.  I speak for myself, of course, since Ed famously heads to California in the winter to avoid any possibility of snow...  And we took Arlo along.  He's a good traveler and got his hop on a bed (not allowed at home) in a pet-friendly motel in Allentown, PA.  We could not have made the trip at all without help from our friends Dineen, Kathy, Bonnie, Al and Josh who looked after Rufus, Phoebe and Lewis.  Thank you all!

Here's the beautiful park we visited in Allentown.  I love city parks - like an oasis in all the bustle around them.  Arlo had a grand time and we were determined to get out and walk as much as we could on this trip.

We spent Thanksgiving with Kent and Sue, Megan's parents in Lansdale, PA.  This was the third year they have hosted us and we're so happy they will be our 'in-laws'.

Kent's sister Donna was also visiting from Houston as she does every year.  We went for a long walk on Thursday morning and came back drenched with snow!

We all get along so well and four of us (I won't mention names) are Liverpool addicts.  So, we drank wine and played cards (did I mention there was wine?) on and off for three days.

THEN came the actual Thanksgiving dinner!  Ed and Kent minded the bird on the Weber grill while Sue,  Donna and Kent put together fabulous green beans, asparagus, sausage stuffing, oyster stuffing, gravy, yummy rolls, pumpkin pie and shoo-fly pie with ice cream.  I did virtually nothing (my M.O., I know - did I mention the wine?)

Of course we missed Megan and Anthony who were working (???) and too busy to join us.  They do have good excuses, though, but if they try to bail at Christmas, Kent says he's driving to Vermont to kidnap them.

Arlo was a really good guest (not possible, says Elizabeth: "Did he bring a gift?"  Did he take the sheets off the bed?")  But she was not there and he was a GOOD GUEST!

We drove over to visit my cousin Bill in Doylestown, PA on Saturday where his sister Janet and her husband Leon were dropping in for a visit on the way home from THEIR Thanksgiving visit to New York.  It was a nice convergence and Bill's beautiful daughter Kate was also there.  Bill lives in a converted barn a really pretty, serene place.  His cat Gizmo was taking no chances when Arlo arrived and hopped up onto a hutch for the duration of our visit.

Our last stop on the jaunt was to visit Ed's Aunt Joyce and his cousins Debby and Linda in Seven Valleys, PA.  Judy and her husband Pat hosted us for two nights and Judy had gone all out with holiday decorations (not just for us, of course, she LOVES Christmas).  It was great to catch up with everybody.  Aunt Joyce, 82,  is Ed's father's sister and the last of that generation of the family.  She's the history-keeper and always gives Ed some old photos and stories when we visit.  His father dies when Ed was two, so this is very meaningful for him.  At the table are Judy & Pat, Debby & Ed, our Ed and Aunt Joyce.

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