Monday, December 27, 2010

Thai on Christmas ~ Perfect!

Well, Ed and I spent a nice Christmas morning just lounging and reading the paper.  Barbara arrived around 2:00 PM and she and I decided to go downtown and see a movie (one of the preferred activities of my family on holidays).  Ed preferred to stay in the house, in his recliner and NOT venture out into the C-O-L-D, windy weather, so we left him there, happy as he could be.

Barbara really wanted to get cold, since she rarely does in New Orleans, and she's actually a Northern type, so we walked up Church Street - cold and windy, as predicted - and landed at Parima for some delicious Thai food before the movie.  Our waiter was great and agreed to be in a photo with us.  The place is lovely, cozy, food wonderful - you should go!

Then we headed to the Roxy to see The King's Speech which we both enjoyed - Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush were wonderful.  Then home for wine and munchies.  PERFECT!

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