Thursday, December 9, 2010


I can't believe it!  My little punky boy Anthony is SIX!

I can remember so clearly the day he was born - I had just had surgery for a broken ankle and when Grandpa and I went to see him my son-in-law Chris wheeled me in to see him in a office chair!

You can see techie boy toys were the order of the day, with Buzz Lightyear wings leading the pack.

The place was hopping with friends and family - Grandma and Gramps, G.G. and Grandpa, Mom and Dad, sister Lucy, Uncle John, Aunt Elise with Nick, Marisa and Dom, Uncle Mike with Aunt Judy and baby Josie, then friends Jasmine, Ella, Nick and Dhyana - hope I haven't forgotten anybody.  There was a CROWD!

Mom's cakes and cupcakes were spectacular.

And guess who has a birthday next week?  LUCY!

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