Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve

Emily's back!

Ed's son Will, Rachel, Keely and Emily are moving back to Vermont from California.  Keely has been here since the summer, staying with her grandmother and going to Essex High School.  Rachel and Emily flew back a couple of weeks ago and Will is on the road, pulling a 20 foot trailer with all their stuff.

We visited Rachel's parents Dan and Mary's house last night to deliver some Christmas goodies, but the best part was seeing them all again.  Emily loves her grandpas Dan (Pop Pop) and Ed - she calls him 'Bumps'.  She's a really big hugger, as you can see.  She'll be five in April and headed to kindergarten.  The last time I saw her she was, well, little!

We had a wonderful time and enjoyed seeing her and Keely open their presents.  Thank you, Dan and Mary!

My sister Barbara is flying up today from New Orleans and she's going to be so happy because it's C-O-L-D with plenty of snow on the ground!  We'll head over to see our other Vermont grandchildren on Sunday, spreading out the fun, so to speak.


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