Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas is coming!

There's no escaping it - Christmas is right around the corner.  Anthony and Lucy came over to help with the decorations - one was interested in the decorations, the other primarily in the candy canes!  They have both written priceless letters to Santa and are waiting pretty patiently for the big day.  Lucy just loves her Princess Kitty costume and wears it everywhere.  She changes fancy outfits a couple of times a day - it makes me smile since Anthony was (is) also a very imaginative pretender.  Who can forget his Baby Owl, Baby Jaguar and Baby Brontosaurus personas?

Several friends asked, after I posted this, if we have two trees.  Merged photos, not two trees - although one year we decided to get as many trees as we could fill up with ornaments - ended up with THREE!  Since then I have had my head examined and given away a lot of ornaments to people who will cherish them.

After three rounds of UNO with Grandpa, Anthony and I went to see A Christmas Carol at the Flynn Theater in Burlington.  The show was wonderful and filled with really good, primarily English Christmas carols like God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen, Gloucestershire Wassail, Susanni, This Endris Night I Saw a Sight, Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day, etc.  I do love good Christmas music and it helps get me past the insane commercialization that starts before Halloween!

It looks like we may have snow this year, if the cold weather holds - hooray!

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