Tuesday, December 28, 2010

And, finally, the day AFTER Christmas

We didn't have the twelve days of Christmas, but something close.  On Sunday Elizabeth and Chris came over with Anthony and Lucy for brunch and more presents.  They had been to Grandma and Gramps' house on Christmas Eve, had a fun family Christmas Day at home, the trekked to our house on Sunday to visit us and Aunt Barbara.  Everything was a hit - Lucy slept in her shiny shoes from Barbara that night!

Anthony, who is a puzzle prodigy, went straight to work with the Legos Barbara gave him.  He just lays out the instructions and gets to work, usually by himself, but this time Dad consulted on the project. 

Grammie will be happy to hear how much both kids loved the 'Pillow Pets' she sent.  They are both big cuddlers and can play with stuffed animals endlessly, so the lady big and bumble bee were part of the family right away.

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