Sunday, April 29, 2012

Emmy's Birthday

 Our granddaughter Emily turned SIX last week!

I know that seems impossible, but here's proof.

Her party was at Zachary's Pizza and it was non-stop fun.  Mom Rachel made a gorgeous and delicious cake, her specialty.

It seems like grandparents Dan, Mary, Ed and I ate the pizza while the kids played arcade games and air hockey!

 But they all came back to the table for cake, though.  I'm sure you can imagine all the fun gifts Emily received from her friends and family.

LOTS of princess stuff, along with sports equipment - she's really one of those athletic princesses.  Grandpa Ed is building her a sandbox to play in at home.

Emily has always been a happy, active kid and enjoys school.  She's a good reader, always loves a board game, will play and draw inside or play outside with the dogs for hours.


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