Wednesday, April 4, 2012

April Road Trip 1

Ready or not, here I come.  Well, the fact is I am the unready one.  I don't know why getting out of town is such a trial, but I am always a basket case before leaving for any trip.  Tuesday was not different, but once on the road my mood lifts.  Anyway, it was 25°F in Vermont at 6:30 AM when I headed out.

I just love driving through the North Country, as they call upstate New York.  The beautiful drive through Paradox, Schroon Lake, past all the little lakes, high up in the Adirondacks.

With a good book I could drive all day with a good book in on the iPod.  I finished Gail Collins' "When Everything Changed" about the womens' movement starting in the 1960s.  Having lived through a lot of it, it was both nostalgic, hilarious and thought-provoking.  Read it, ladies!  (And gents, too, of course).

OK.  It got warmer and warmer as I headed South, peeling off clothing, opening windows.  Those of you who know me can congratulate me for venturing to SOUTH CAROLINA in April, rather than January.

It was gorgeous, though, that bright spring green, overgrown, that you see in Virgina.  I stopped in Fredericksburg to visit my father, step-mother and sister Miriam.  Dad had knee surgery a couple of weeks ago and is in a nursing home until Friday having PT, etc.  He's raring to go home, though, navigating to the gym with a walker.  He's 87, so this is a pretty big deal.  I'll drop in again in two weeks on my way home.  I only took on photo of him this time (my father is very photogenic) as I thought he might not like to be seen in a convalescent state.  I'll get some more shots later this month.

On the way out of Fredericksburg, the mercury read 86°F.  Yikes!  I admit it - I put on the AC.  The drive to Durham, NC was fine - new book "Wolf Hall" by Hillary Mantel, a novel about Thomas Cromwell, Henry VIII's minister.  All about the Reformation in England brought on, in part by the Anne Boleyn business.  I don't always have patience with historical novels, but this one I find gripping. 

There were thunderstorms on and off all the way to Durham and the temperature bounced back and forth between the mid-80's and 66°F.  Pretty interesting.

Spending tonight with my sister Barbara, then off to Charleston in the morning!

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