Sunday, April 8, 2012

April 7 ~ Market & Garden Tour


The nippy (or 'frigid', as Lucy likes to say) weather of yesterday blew out to sea, I guess, and we had a nearly perfect day.  Perfect, you understand is weather in which I don't get hot.

So the bright sun and cool breezes were close to perfect.

We first ventured to the Farmers' Market in Marion Square.  This was a happily bustling affair with gorgeous veggies and booth after booth of South Carolina craftspeople and their wares.  "Don't bring home any junk", Ed said this morning on the phone this morning.  Junk?  Would he know it if he saw it?  Having seen the stuff he treasures, I would guess not.

We strolled and shopped, "Oozing contentment," as Mrs. B put it, then sat down for a delicious lunch of homemade black bean burger and pulled pork sandwich with Carolina slaw.  This slaw is made with red cabbage, vinegar, mustard and a little mayo - refreshing and not too sweet.

After lunch we took a walking (and walking, and walking) tour of eight of Charleston's Hidden Gardens, some begun in the Colonial period, sponsored by the Historic Charleston Foundation and their Festival of Houses and Gardens.  No photography was allowed in the actual gardens which are in private homes, alas, so I guess you'll just have to mosey down here to see them yourself!

Notice the cute dog?  Mrs. B asked when I had become a dog person.  I am not, technically a dog person, but a cat person who has learned to appreciate some dogs.

After the our we dragged our tired dogs to the grand and comfortable Mills House Hotel for some refreshment in their old world Barbados Room.  We could have been in a novel.  I just love a big city old hotel - so civilized.  We had sweet tea (we're in the South, ya know) and a cup of she-crab soup that was such a delight.  I'd never had it before and couldn't stop raving.

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