Friday, May 20, 2011


I just had to put these on the blog.  Lucy is such a comedian.  Very deadpan and, of course, much of the time she has no idea she's being funny.  While Mom was at a swimming lesson last week Lucy found her glasses and wore them around for about 15 minutes.  I was hysterical.  For one thing she reminded me so much of my sister Barbara who wore glasses at about age three.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear G -

This is such a fabulous blog. Thank you for putting me on your list of receivers!

I think my favor picture to-date (besides photos of myself - which I need to see
more of so I can figure out what the hell I look like to others!) is from 4/20, the
one of little Anthony sleeping on and Ed's belly!

Your grandchildren are splendidly charming, due in large part to their great mom -
but to you, as well. I admire you, so much. Always have! You're a great friend and a
terrific inspiration. I hope this isn't the first time I've told you that!
