Sunday, May 8, 2011

Help, When You Need It Most!

You may have heard how much rain we've been getting here in Northern Vermont.  Lake Champlain is lapping at the doors of some of the oldest buildings on the waterfront, basements flooded, some neighborhoods wait-deep, canoes and kayaks in the street.

So, on a rainy day last week I drove to Rutland (they've had less rain, I'm told, plus no lake to worry about) to see my good friend Donna who had offered to help catapult me farther into the social networking sphere.  She is a whiz at all that stuff and is an amazingly creative thinker.  She keeps up with the trends and uses them so smoothly in her business and social life.  Donna owns Expressions by Donna portrait studio in Rutland and we've been friends for years.

One other great thing about Donna is her willingness to share information and ideas.    Frankly, I would miss a lot of stuff without her!  Not only did she get me started and pointed in the right direction, her superhero Brad even lugged my computer down the stairs and into the car.  Big thanks also, to Courtney her cutie-pie assistant who popped over to be sure we were doing it right.  I am in the range of 60, Donna in the range of 40 and Courtney's in the 20s.  So I'm pretty sure I'm off on the right foot!

1 comment:

Expressions By Donna said...

Does my office really looked so messy??? I feel like it is more organized then it looks here!! Glad we could help!! It was nice to spend the day with you!!