Sunday, May 22, 2011

Girlie Fun

Two of our little girl grandchildren finally got together last weekend.  Emily is five and has been in California for the last 2 1/2 years.  Her family (parents Will and Rachel, older sister Keely) moved back to Vermont over the winter.  They live abut an hour and a half away and we have seen them a few times, but this was Emmy's first sleepover with Grandpa (she calls him "Bumps") and G.G.

It was also her first real meeting with Lucy, 3, who was only a few months old when she moved out West.  So the sleepover was really fun, about 85% happy and we look forward to doing it again sometime.  I think the main source of friction, which was mild, was the fact that neither Emmy nor Lucy ever thought they would have to share Grandpa!

He got a real workout - from making Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes to playing Uncle Wiggley for hours.

I haven't had a chance to photography Emmy since 2008, so we dug out some princessy dresses and...twirled and twirled!

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