Sunday, May 8, 2011

Another Tea Party

I spent Thursday with my granddaughter Lucy who is such a happy and enthusiastic child.  I picked her up from her swimming lesson, we went to visit Grandpa Ed where he was working, colored for a while, then came home to have a tea and sandwich party with the cats.  The real cats wouldn't cooperate, so the toy ones took their place.  Lucy just loves to 'cook' and makes food out of pretty much everything (note the coffee coaster sandwiches and magnifying glass spatula).

I got a tiny brass tea set in Tangiers when I was there with my Dad in the late 70s.  Hes used to live in the Middle East (I can not get used to saying 'Mid East', and why should I, after all?  Does it really save any time?)  Anyway, I joined him on a couple of his vacations - that time we were staying in Torremolinas on the Costa Del Sol and took a boat ride over to Tangiers.  It was just a day trip, but later he moved to Morocco where he met my beautiful stepmother Najat.  I always think if our trip when I see the tea set, which I do constantly, since both Anthony and Lucy love to play with it.

Later Lucy and I had dinner with my Peeps Dineen, Joyce, Kathy and Bonnie.  Lucy was in her glory, didn't have to share any of the attention with her brother.  You know how boys can be - they can suck all the air out of the room!

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