Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mothers' Day 2011

I had a lovely Mother's Day coffee date at Belle's Cafe with Elizabeth and Lucy.

Mothers' Day was never one of the big holidays in our house - my mother never liked it - something about commercialization and Hallmark cards.  She was always 'thrilled' with the presents her five kids made, but once we were all sprung she didn't want us making it into anything.

I never paid much attention, was always happy with the lovely presents my kids made but it seemed like a non-event to me.  I am changing my mind.

Watching my grandchildren and how excited they get over it all - Anthony and Dad made popovers, eggs and bacon for Elizabeth - Lucy brought me 3 of the 4 daffodils in her yard - Anthony made me a beautiful card, has made me appreciate it more.  I guess just seeing this generation of kids and parents and how happy they all are celebrating Mothers' and Fathers' Day has let me off the hook, so to speak.  My mother won't be any more or less happy if I get into the spirit of Mothers' Day.   My son Anthony, who works hard at appearing unsentimental, also sent me a great card.

I want to thank Thom Randall's cousin Val for sending me this:

An article in the Oakland paper details Mother's Day origins as an early feminist anti-war protest. "Disarm! Disarm! The sword of murder is not the balance of justice. Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience." --Julia Ward Howe's 1870 proclamation.

So, I guess I can like it even better.

1 comment:

Diane said...

It's amazing how our perspective on life changes as we get "older". I'm not a mother myself but I certainly celebrate my fellow sisters that are. Here! here! To getting off the "protest all things organized" ban-wagon and going with the flow. Sometimes going with the flow allows me to enjoy the scenery so much more. Thanks for letting us read about your fantastic day! Nanc