Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Peter's New Kitty

I drove to Montpelier this morning to pick up a tiny new kitten for my brother Peter.  We're all cat lovers in my family (and some of us have learned to become appreciate a few select dogs), so when Peter lost one of his cats recently, he was incomplete.  Fortunately, Dayle's cousin Ruth had two kittens and was willing to part with one.

Later I took Arlo for a walk on the Burlington waterfront - incomparable, as always.  It was a struggle to take a photo of the two of us with my trusty Canon G-11 - Arlo just would NOT look at the camera - but it turned out alright in the end.

If you've never seen the winged monkeys on top of Union Station, they always bring a smile.  Here's one framed by some of the last autumn leaves.

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