Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Congratulations, Portia!

Ed and I spent a great week with our high school friend Dayle Levin Feingold during her more or less annual visit to Vermont.  She wore her knee high Ugg boots and a lot of layers around, but, honestly, how much colder is Vermont than Cleveland???  Just kidding, Dayle, you're a trooper!

On Saturday Dayle and I were privileged to attend the Bat Mitzvah of another dear friend Portia Arthur at Ohavi Zedek in Burlington.  It was wonderful to see Portia reading from the Torah and to realize what a loving home she's found in the OZ community.  Mazel Tov!

And, have I mentioned how much I love my Canon G-11 camera?  I'm a big camera hog, as you know, and can take self-portraits, anything, anywhere, everywhere!  FINALLY, a tiny camera I can carry in a pocket and not be be mortified by the quality.

Thanks, Canon.

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