Sunday, October 3, 2010

Old (not elderly, mind you) friends

 Well, Saturday was a blast!  I had lunch with a Burlington High School pal Geri Orth Kearns who had come up from Florida for a memorial service for her dad who passed away in September.  After her busy week with family and logistics, we were able to find some time to catch up.  We had lost track of each other after our last get together in Boston in 1968, but after five minutes we were laughing about absolutely everything - just like old times.  It was great to see her and reconnect.

Then my friend J. Felice Boucher, preeminent Maine photographic artist, arrived in Middlebury where we had dinner on the eve of the wedding she's photographing today.  I haven't known Felice as long as Geri, but we are great friends and she's one of the photographers I admire most.  Check out her web site.

I guess we could have picked better lighting than what was in the restaurant and THE RESTAURANT LADIES' ROOM MIRROR, but what the heck!  I just love my Canon G11 - have I said that before?

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