Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Quick Trip to Maine

We took a quick trip to Maine over the weekend.  My Aunt Claire and Uncle Jim have sold their house and are moving to California, so they asked Ed to drive some excess furniture to my cousin Bill in Gouldsboro, Maine (about 30 miles east, along the coast from Bangor).

We haven't seen Bill, except for a couple of very brief meetings, and we'd never seen his cozy farmhouse, so were were happy to venture out.  We and the furniture arrived safely, including a beautiful chair and ottoman they'd had reupholstered for him - look, Jim, no scratches!

On Sunday Bill took us around his turf - my requirement was to see some crashing waves, which we found on the Schoodic Peninsula, part of Acadia National Park.  He said they were kind of tame that day, but to sea-starved Vermonters, it looked great.  The weather was just right - cool and cloudy for a while, then sunny and still cool with a nice breeze.  I thought my grandson Anthony would like to see the streaks of petrified lava on the shore - he's so interested in volcanoes.

After lunch we hiked (for Bill it was a stroll, for us a hike) through woods, brush, blueberry bushes and bogs to another great point - Petit Manan - part of the Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuges.  We arrived at low tide and basked in the sun on warm rocks (yes, even I basked).  Bill is a mushroom hunter, so he and Ed were looking down a lot on the walk back to the car.  Alas, we had to turn around the next day and head home - about 7 hours - but we had a wonderful time, enjoyed hanging out with Bill and got a sea-fix.  It makes me want to head out to Star Island later in the summer, or early fall - any takers?

1 comment:

peacenik said...

Thanks for the great photos of all of you. Wish I could have been there. I think I took some of those same coastal pictures last time I was there! - Peace, Susan