Saturday, July 31, 2010

Freezing Time

Do you ever wish you could just freeze time?  I think every parent and grandparent has that wish and I remember many times from my kids' younger days I never want to forget.  Thank goodness I always took a lot of pictures!

Now Anthony and Lucy's everyday play time tugs on my heart.  Anthony has always been a big 'pretender', able to get into character and stay there all day.  The other day he was being 'Feisty', Grammie's cat.  He drew and cut out whiskers, taped them on and chased a little ball around, having a blast.  Lucy is an able sidekick, taking on secondary characters and playing along.

Here's Lucy at her gymnastics class last week.  She just loves it.  After class we went to Libby's Blue Line Diner for a milkshake.  A fun girly morning.

1 comment:

peacenik said...

Anthony takes after his great-uncle Peter, it seems - all those characters!