Thursday, July 22, 2010


 I recently got to go wedding dress shopping with Megan and her mother Sue and Aunt Deb.  After a delicious lunch at the Farmhouse Tap and Grill in Burlington, we walked up Church Street to Once Upon A Bride where Megan tried on about nine beautiful dresses.

Yes, we had to take off our shoes, put on gloves and no photos of the dresses - this was hard on me and also Sue, who is a professional photographer, too, but we survived.  Megan did pick a lovely dress (it's a surprise, of course), but let me say she looked like she stepped out of a dream.

Then off to Matt Taylor's to check on the ring design.  It was a wonderful afternoon. 

 Here's a photo of Anthony and Megan taken the next day at their friends' wedding in Shelburne:

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