Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Groton 2010

Well, it's been over a week since we got back from our camping vacation at Ricker Pond in Groton State Forest on the border of Vermont and New Hampshire and I am finally getting photos organized!  I just love my little Canon G11 - so tiny and takes pretty good pitchas.  I've started using it for arm's length self-portraits, thanks for that idea, Elizabeth.  And I'll admit it now, I did drive to The P&H Truck Stop every day for the newspaper!  I'm on VACATION and I like to sit, drink tea and read the BFP, so sue me!

Thanks to our friends Ann & Bob Jenks and Donna Goodhue, we 'discovered' Ricker Pond and have spent many happy days in this beautiful spot, walking, eating, resting, eating, kayaking, eating, fishing, eating, playing Liverpool, eating...you get the picture.  The food component is always fabulous at Groton - sort of a pot luck affair.  Bob and Kristine made shrimps kabobs, Donna and Brad made their famous Jim Beam kielbasa among other tasty dishes, Ed cooked a turkey on the Weber, Jen Roggi provided endless bacon (no, we don't eat it at home, but on vacation...) and, yes, Bernie Littlefield from Maine brought 20 LOBSTERS!

This year we decided to take just Arlo, not both dogs.  He's pretty laid-back and Rufus, while he loves the woods, is more anxious over a whole week.  Thanks to Megan for taking such great care of Rufus while we were gone and to Donna Marcotte for all the long walks for Arlo at the park.  Yes, we walked him, too, but Donna is a very regular walker, so he got a LOT of exercise and slept for about three days after we got home!

Elizabeth brought Anthony and Lucy up for one day and we all had such fun climbing, running, and jumping, playing pirates, shucking corn-on-the-cob.  Those kids can turn any place into a playground.  Then Anthony Santoro visited several times and tried Ed's little boat (it looks like a water bug) and my kayak - he lives pretty close to Groton.

My brother Rob and his girlfriend Sarah visited, too, and set up a tent on our site.  It was great to see them and get to know Sarah better.

We'd like to send a big thank you to all our friends who make the week at Groton such a blast: Jen, Dan, Caleb & Curtis Roggi, all the Zembas, Ann Jenks, Bob & Brandt, Bernie & friends, Tom, Rick, Vladimir, the Marcottes, Bob & Kris Lizzari, Kristine Struminksy, the Goodhales and Jelani, Diane Miller and family, Piper and Mike Sailer and their kids, Ed & Linda Pedi who stopped by for a night...have I forgotten anyone?

I really enjoyed the evening kayak trips - the lake is just gorgeous at that time of day, and you know me - conniving to stay out of the sun is my life's work.  My kids accuse me of experiencing life through a camera lens and I think they are right.  I swiped a few of these images from Donna Goodhue's Facebook page - thank you!  Here's a little photo show of some of the highlights:

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