Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fun, Fun, Fun!

OK, guess what I did today?  That's right, I went to see Toy Story 3 with Anthony(aka Buzz Lightyear) with the movie pass he gave me for my birthday.  We had a wonderful time, he was completely absorbed and saved most of his 10,000 questions for the car ride home.  And then he drew a picture of Buzz, so I'd have a souvenir from our outing.

And yesterday I got to bring Lucy to her first gymnastics class - this is going to be our fun thing to do together.  She is so strong and agile and LOVES to climb, run, jump, bounce, etc.

We had such a good time and Lucy can't wait to go back.  Note the costume change: there was an irresistible leotard at the gym and, well, I didn't resist.  She was so proud of herself.

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