Sunday, August 1, 2010

What a way to start the day

 Wow.  So now if anyone asks me what I'd like to do on a Sunday morning, I'll have a good answer.

I went kayaking on Otter Creek in Vergennes pretty early, about 8:00 am, while Ed and his friend Ernie Blow fished.  They stayed near the dam where we put in and I just paddled and floated downstream in the cool, beautiful air.  Had a nice talk with my sister in New Orleans, listened to NPR on the iPod - technology-assisted relaxation.  We were out about an hour and a half, then had a fabulous breakfast at The 3 Squares Cafe in Vergennes - yummy omelet with maple sausage, portabellos, leeks and brie.  Plus today is our 10th wedding anniversary.  Who knew this would work out?  Just kidding.

I think I'm hooked!  While the weather stays nice, this is what I want to be doing on Sundays.  Wish my sister Barbara was here.

The 3 Squares Cafe, Vergennes, VT - delicious breakfasts!

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