Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Quite A Week

I know I have been a bit lax about posting to any blogs lately.  I was talking about it with my politico buddy Al the other day and have determined I've just been in an agitated state for a while.  The last election cycle was pretty wearing.  It was hard to escape the hysterical bombast from Faux News and the endless fundraising emails from the Dems.

I did pitch in, though, donating here and there, the doing calls and canvassing for President Obama and Elizabeth Warren.  Yes, I felt elated when the results were in, but am left with the conviction that we have so much more to do.  Overturn Citizens United, for one, overhaul the actual voting system for another thing that should benefit all voters.  I am predicting those long lines at the polls on Election Day will be a thing of the past in 2016 (or it could take a lot longer, considering the Congress we are dealing with).  With the technology and security measures we have now I hope those who choose to can vote from their computer or smart phone.

It's hard to believe we are still arguing about women's reproductive rights, fair pay, race and religion in 2012, but, alas, it's true.  Progressives really need to do a better job defining the issues, starting now.  So my goal is to stay involved for the next four years.  Tonight I am heading over to our local Planned Parenthood office to write thank you notes to supporters.  Should be fun, AND they'll have snacks!

Ed and I also had a lovely pre-Thanksgiving turkey dinner with some good friends on Saturday.  Ed did two turkeys in the Webers, along with his famous maple apple-sweet potato casserole.  You may know by now that Ed genuinely loves to cook turkeys and he's buying up frozen ones so I think we'll have several more before he heads out west in January.

My son Anthony was also up for a short visit over the weekend.  He came to dinner Saturday and played Irish music at RiRa Pub during brunch on Sunday.  Here's a photo of him and his friends (he plays the Irish bagpipes, hard to see because they are on his lap.)

I was watching our granddaughter Emily on Sunday so wet met our friend Al at RiRa for lunch.  The music was great, it was a beautiful day and Em had never heard Uncle Anthony's music before.  The black and white image of Anthony was made by one of his students in the CNC machining class he teaches in Hanover, NH.  I think it looks just like him.

I spent Monday with Lucy, age 4-and-a-half, always entertaining.  We like to eat breakfast at the Arcadia Diner where we munch, chat and Lucy colors. Yesterday she told me she was drawing "Frida" who didn't like to smile because she had rotten teeth.  I inquired if this was a real person. She sighed (I am pretty clueless, after all), "Yes, G.G., she's an artist".  Upon seeing the drawing I determined it was Frida Kahlo and they've been talking about her in preschool.  Note the lovely "bird wing" eyebrows.  Lucy later gave her vampire fangs and a few flowers to cheer up the effort.

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