Saturday, January 5, 2013

A New Year, Again

And a not so sad goodbye to 2012.  Strife, gridlock, tragedy and vitriol seem to overshadow the many good and happy events, alas.  But things could be worse.  Elizabeth Warren is a Senator!  So, on we go, ever hopeful.

We had a big pile of snow (always good news for true Northern Spirits) and, after last year's snow drought, it was a welcome sight.  Light snow was falling on New Year's Eve, but it was 30° - balmy.

Here's some of the snow on our deck.  I thought it was 30", but Ed says, no, only about 15".

 He declined to come to First Night with me, my brother Rob and his lady Sarah.  He preferred to sit in his chair with the remote and headphones, polishing silverware.

I cannot figure out the formatting on this darned blog!  It should not be rocket science!  Oh, well, blundering on.

We started out the afternoon at my mother's apartment for a game of Liverpool, the Kurth family card game.  I lost both games.

 Rob, Sarah and I saw some great performances including Twist of the Wrist, John Roberts and Tony Barrand (of Nowell Sing We Clear fame), the Burlington Taiko Drummers, the Bluegrass Gospel Project and the Tammy Fletcher Band.  WOW!

This was Burlington First Night's 30th year.  My son Anthony Santoro, who says I never took him anywhere when he was a kid, loved the Dragon Parade and fell asleep in innumerable churches and other music venues until he was old enough to be a First Night performer himself.

So, Happy New Year and keep your fingers crossed!

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