Thursday, November 1, 2012

The spooks are out

Well, one of my favorite gigs is dashing around their neighborhood with Lucy and Anthony on Halloween.  They were really into it last night, both little vampires and, yes, they kept those plastic teeth in their mouths the whole time.

We set off in daylight with neighbor/best friends Jasmine (Spiderman) and Jessica, a flower.

It was quite a crew including Gandma Elaine, Uncle Mike and Aunt Judy with Josie as a ballerina, Elizabeth, me and Sophanny, Jasmine and Jessica's mother.

They live in a great neighborhood for Trick-or-Treaters, lots of kids and families who love to decorate.

So it was a wonderful evening, nice weather, happy Trick-or-Treaters, I'm sure everybody slept well, despite the sugar.  I think even Lucy, the sweet tooth girl had enough candy to savor.

And after all the dashing, I had a nice glass of wine and some of Elaine's beautiful devilled egg eyeballs, pulled pork and kimchee.


Thanks to Sophanny for this iPhone photos!

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