Sunday, October 16, 2011

Occupy Wall Street - Burlington

We decided to speak up, so to speak, and attend the Occupy Wall Street rally in Burlington today.  As flaming liberals, Barbara and I remember the media's utter lack of interest in covering the many protests leading up to the Iraq War and we don't want to see that happen again.  Many people who lived through that time actually think there was no organized protest.  Well, there was plenty but you never saw it on the news.

People are rightly upset by the hijacking of our democracy by monied interests and we hope this could be the beginning of a real backlash.  About danged time, too!

The crowd was energetic, strategizing and marching on Main and Church Streets, even after a 500-strong march yesterday.  We plan to show up every Sunday until... what?...Congress gets the message?  Citizens United is overturned?  Discouraged average Americans get out and vote their own interests for a change?

You might say the marchers' concerns are diverse, but I think they boil down to the same thing: our "representative" government has vanished in the wake of the boatloads of money tipping the scales in favor of corporations and the mega-rich.  And war is profit, don't forget, and the engine of what little national industry we have left so no one in power really wants peace despite their claims to "support our troops".

It was a very satisfying afternoon and, on top of that, we had fabulous Turkish street food from Muzo's cart on Church Street!  Delicious - menu below:

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