Sunday, October 23, 2011


I'll miss the OWS rally in Burlington today, alas.

Doug Box, a great photographer from Texas is visiting the VPP and he's a great speaker and I plan to learn a lot, so...

But the great news is that Americans are finally paying attention to how our financial woes are connected to the two unfunded wars, unfair tax policies, Wall Street regulating itself, Citizens United, insane subsidies to Big Oil and Big Ag, etc., etc.  I've just been amazed at how bovine we seemed to be, plodding along in whatever direction the corporate masters chose, voting against our own interests.  While it's still pretty fragile, I think the will for real new direction is growing in the mainstream population.  Who knows?  Maybe they'll even see the value of universal healthcare one of these days.

1 comment:

Wendy Peters said...

Finally, it's: "We, the people!...."