Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dad

Happy Birthday, Dad - 87 today!

You're going strong and we're hoping you'll be around another 87 years.

We also hope we're as fit and active as you are when we get to your age!

I wrote a longer tribute last year and hope you'll read it if you missed it on August 23, 2010.

1 comment:

Dr. Judy Jarecki-Black said...

I knew both Peter and Barbara in grad school at MUSC. Peter (and Barbara) are incredible people and made such an impression on me. Peter was always the quiet one of our grad group, but so finny and so "together". To date myself, we had an expression in the 60's that really fit Peter - he definately had an old soul. I will miss him and the world was a better place for having him in it even for so brief a time.