Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fourth of July

We spent a wonderful afternoon with Linda and Bill Post at their pot-luck pool party yesterday.

The pool was the perfect - I MEAN really perfect temperature - cold when you get in, just nice and cool the whole time - no blue lips, no feeling like you're in a warm bath.  I guess we can thank Vermont's coolish and rainy summer weather so far!

Well, the heat is here this week, but I won't complain since most of June was lovely, if rainy.

The food was just yummy.  There was lime BBQ shrimp, BBQ chicken, no mayo herb potato salad, Greek tomato salad, home made salsa and guacamole, delish Margaritas, West African spicy eggs (you have to see it), watermelon salad and strawberry pie!  I should have taken a picture of the food, but guess I'm on vacation.

Bathing beauties Kate and Julie and their S.O.s were there along with a few other old friends.

Linda had picked up some red, white and blue cupcakes from My Little Cupcake for Sandy's birthday, so on top of the aforementioned feast, we gorged on those, too.

After everyone else had left, Bill, Linda, Ed and I had a good game of Liverpool (our favorite card game, but you need at least three to play, so finding other players is a treat.)

More adventure:  before we went to bed we let the dogs out, as usual, to water the lawn.  Well, Rufus "caught" a skunk!  So, Ed was outside at midnight giving him a Skunk-Off shampoo and he had to sleep in the entryway (Rufus, not Ed.)  What we hope to remember about July 4 is the great party, not the stinky dog!

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