Sunday, July 3, 2011

Camp Sunshine 2011

I can't speak personally about Anthony and Lucy's visit to Camp Sunshine in Sebago Lake, Maine because I wasn't there this year.  For the first time their Dad Chris was able to go so the whole family could experience the magic of this unbelievable camp.

A & L attended Solid Transplant Week and got to see their old summer friends and meet some new ones.  Favorite counselors Ben, Katherine, Kristin & Sumeeta were on hand to play, play and play some more, while Liz and Chris got to relax, hang out with grownups, swim, kayak and take the treetop ropes challenge.

Thanks to everyone who sent home photos, since I wasn't there in June to take my own!  Here's a great shot of the final evening Wish Boat launching.  I hope this family tradition will last for many more years.

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