Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Cool Time Keeping Cool

I sometimes think about how dorky my grandkids will one day think I am for using titles like "A Cool Time Keeping Cool", but for now G.G. can do no wrong, so I'll enjoy it while I can.

Even Vermont was sweltering last week, but we did our best to keep cool with watermelon in the shade and lots of fans blowing.  It's better today, but it is summer after all, so the next onslaught of heat is just around the corner.

Let's be clear.  I do not complain about cold and snow so I feel entitled to b*tch a bit in the summer.

Anthony and I also made a trip to the Birds of Vermont Museum where he learned about writing poetry, similes, describing nature, etc.  We do love it there and, alas, they are closed in the winter.  It was a blast, as always.

Then we visited the Fletcher Free Library in Burlington to see a wonderful project by Alfred Holden:  Beyond Legos.  Also so return a library book I found while cleaning out bookshelves in preparation for listing our house for sale.  No, I don't make my grandson read atheist treatises, he's just holding it while I take the picture.

When I told Anthony where we were going he ad a hard time conceiving of a whole town built of cardboard and balsa wood, colored by hand.

 Built with his brother over 40 years ago, Alfred's description of their project is a must-read.  It reminds me of similar efforts (on a much smaller scale, of course) from my own childhood and especially the creations of my son Anthony.  We used to say he could go to his room with a wire coat hanger, glue and construction paper and be happy for hours.  Every day!  He's the only child I can ever recall who never, in his life, said he was bored.

I highly recommend a trip to see the Beyond Legos exhibit - only one more week!

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