Saturday, August 7, 2010

Who Wants A Walk?

We took the dogs for a walk at Geprags Park in Hinesburg where they could run around and explore.  The park was donated by a farmer a few years ago and is some open fields and higher meadows.  Arlo and Rufus just love it and it's a nice walk for us.  Mostly we just see the dogs from behind as they burrow into grass, bushes, reeds, etc.  When we're ready to go they are bushed, but smiling.

Friday was GORGEOUS!  Cool and breezy, very refreshing after our record heat in July.  My mother always said she didn't mind August because, while it could be hot, there were whiffs of autumn in the air.  My sentiments, too, although Ed wants a disclaimer.  He's fine with heat and hates the cold and snow.  That said, we had a lovely afternoon!

1 comment:

Davis Family said...

Looks lik Ed is keeping up his routine! We're so happy to hear this, we love him so. Next year he'll be that much harder of a worker, hahaha. (I'm kidding of course)!