Wednesday, May 5, 2010

She has her hands full!

Our daughter-in-law Lindsay has her hands full, no doubt, with two year-old Ellie and twins Axl and Stella, age 8 months! But she still has time to keep us updated via Facebook AND a family blog: Davis Every Day. Here are some recent photos she sent, along with one of Princess Ellie and Paco. Yes, all our granddaughters are princesses and love to dress up in pink.

1 comment:

Davis Family said...

Thanks for recognizing what a job motherhood is! I havn't written a thing in the Twins' babybooks, so this blog is just as much for me as it is for our far away relatives. I love that picture of Ellie, and I've never seen it. If photoEd took any others... I'd love to have them when you get a chance. I had no idea you had a blog by the way, it will be great to keep up!