Monday, May 24, 2010

G.G. Tries the Kayak

You may remember Ed got me a kayak for Christmas. Well, with one thing and another, our first opportunity to try it out was Sunday.
He also gave Anthony a canoe, then found the perfect barbecue grill for Anthony and Megan at a yard sale, so we loaded up the van to haul it all down to their house in Fairlee. They live just yards from beautiful Lake Fairlee and Sunday was perfect.
Ed had to unload "stuff" from the van - see the picture of the inside "cleaned out".
Anyway, everything fit and we all had a wonderful time on the lake, I did not tip, was able to clamber in and out, went in the direction planned, etc., etc. Whoo hoo! Ready for our vacation camping trip to Groton in June.
I thought a lot about my old friend Dan Gibson. We talked and talked about kayaking together, but never pulled it off. He died suddenly in April and I don't think I'll ever look at a kayak without thinking of him.

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