Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Like father?

OK, so my Dad is one of the world's most photogenic people and he NEVER crabs when I take out a camera. He was in Vermont celebrating his 85th summer last June and I took some pix, then forgot all about them until I was rooting around for something else. Boy, he looks great and will be 86 in August!

We must be related, because I also love to be photographed. The photo below is by my friend Tom Hurlbut from Connecticut, taken during his demonstration of painting with light at the VPP convention in April. He has this fabulous Magic Light Glove his husband Rick designed for him and waves it, along with a flashlight and other cool toys all over the subject who has to stand with eyes open in total darkness for a L-O-N-G time!
What a blast and I love the photo!

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