Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Birthday, Di!

We spent Sunday partying with Di and Al at their Di's birthday/39th anniversary party. Ed made his famous turkey and friends brought lots of other delicious goodies.

It was great to see Di and Al's family and friends AND my Thursday night peeps Dineen, Bonnie, Joyce, Kathy, Lee, Di and our honorary part-time girls Ed and Al.

I am so grateful to have these friends in my life even if I don't hug them every time I see them! The laughs we share on Thursday nights last all week long and make everything brighter.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Like father?

OK, so my Dad is one of the world's most photogenic people and he NEVER crabs when I take out a camera. He was in Vermont celebrating his 85th summer last June and I took some pix, then forgot all about them until I was rooting around for something else. Boy, he looks great and will be 86 in August!

We must be related, because I also love to be photographed. The photo below is by my friend Tom Hurlbut from Connecticut, taken during his demonstration of painting with light at the VPP convention in April. He has this fabulous Magic Light Glove his husband Rick designed for him and waves it, along with a flashlight and other cool toys all over the subject who has to stand with eyes open in total darkness for a L-O-N-G time!
What a blast and I love the photo!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Phil McArthur - 10,000 Miles!

Our friend and fellow-grandparent Phil McArthur just completed the AMA's USA Four Corners Tour - that's right, alone on his Harley (2010 HD Ultra Classic) to Key West, Florida, on to San Ysidro, California, then Blaine, Washington and, finally Madawaska, Maine before heading home to Bradenton, Florida. Look THAT up on a map - pretty incredible.

Phil and Ed (Pampy & Grumpy) share a handsome grandson Philip Davis. We've all been friends a long time and got together at our favorite breakfast place Libby's Blue Line Diner in Winooski before Phil headed home.
Way to go, Phil!

Monday, May 24, 2010

G.G. Tries the Kayak

You may remember Ed got me a kayak for Christmas. Well, with one thing and another, our first opportunity to try it out was Sunday.
He also gave Anthony a canoe, then found the perfect barbecue grill for Anthony and Megan at a yard sale, so we loaded up the van to haul it all down to their house in Fairlee. They live just yards from beautiful Lake Fairlee and Sunday was perfect.
Ed had to unload "stuff" from the van - see the picture of the inside "cleaned out".
Anyway, everything fit and we all had a wonderful time on the lake, I did not tip, was able to clamber in and out, went in the direction planned, etc., etc. Whoo hoo! Ready for our vacation camping trip to Groton in June.
I thought a lot about my old friend Dan Gibson. We talked and talked about kayaking together, but never pulled it off. He died suddenly in April and I don't think I'll ever look at a kayak without thinking of him.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Pretenders

I had so much fun this morning with Anthony and Lucy. They have such great imaginations. Anthony was a poisonous snake, but a nice one who only ate steak and protected everybody. Lucy was alternately a snake and a mommy, 'baking' and feeding us cake. Then we made ballet dancers out of spinning rubber jacks.
Hope to stay young as long as possible!

Friday, May 7, 2010


Here's proof that Ed can get out and move! We went to the track at Mt. Mansfield High School this morning to play with Anthony and Lucy so Elizabeth could go to her outdoor exercise class and had a blast! It was nippy early on, but warmed up as the sun came out and we all made it around the track a few times (with stops for snacks, kicking the ball, digging in the sand, etc.).
Notice Lucy's handful of sand just before it went into her mouth!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

R.I.P., Max

Elizabeth, Chris, Anthony and Lucy lost their dog Max last night. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor only yesterday and died peacefully at home a few hours later.
Max was a big, I mean B-I-G presence in their lives. Elizabeth and Chris rescued him from a shelter in Saratoga where he had been simply left by his previous owners. They visited and walked him for months while paperwork to emancipate, then adopt him went through.
He was a constant companion, good watchdog, playful, loved to run. He's buried at Grandma Elaine's where he also loved to run. He will be missed.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

She has her hands full!

Our daughter-in-law Lindsay has her hands full, no doubt, with two year-old Ellie and twins Axl and Stella, age 8 months! But she still has time to keep us updated via Facebook AND a family blog: Davis Every Day. Here are some recent photos she sent, along with one of Princess Ellie and Paco. Yes, all our granddaughters are princesses and love to dress up in pink.

Princess Emmy

Yes, she's a princess for real. Always on the go, four year-old granddaughter Emily LOVES pink, loves to run, jump, ride her bike and never met a mud puddle she didn't adore. I don't get to see her enough, but Ed took a few photos while he was in California and Emmy's mom Rachel sends photos from her phone. Here she is with big sister Keely and family pooch Sadie.

Monday, May 3, 2010