Friday, May 22, 2015

Killarney Is Grand!

And grand it is indeed, to be sure!  I refer to the whole shebang, but let's start with the hotel.  I have said before that we have had spectacular hotels on this trip and one reason is that, with one exception, they are located right on the street in the middle of the action.  Parking  would be my only complaint, if I were to complain, which I will not.  Older Irish hotels have to catch as catch can for parking spaces and some were a bit of a hike.  But since we are here to rack up miles on the pedometer, I'll say no more.

The Killarney International is a lovely place with old world charm, a pub, two dining rooms (one for breakfast, one for dinner), a cafe, billiards room, library and comfortable lobby.  Our room was small but very clean, cosy and had a great view of the street and mountains in the distance.  A formidable raven perched on our railing on the second day.

We had dinner at the hotel, first a spring roll with an Asian slaw, then and we both ordered a seafood pancake: mussels, haddock, salmon, etc. glazed with Hollandaise. Sides of wonderful brown bread, potatoes, vegetables and sautéed mushroom and onions.  The crepe was as big as the dinner plate and for the first time we had more than we could actually finish.  It's not a reflection on the rest of our meals which were always generous, but this was gargantuan.  And delicious!  Alas, dessert was out of the question.

We decided to find some traditional music and wandered over to Sheehan's Pub at the Killarney Grand.  The pub was packed and a friendly couple Padriac and Mary Kissane invited us to sit with them close to the band.  We were joined by their friends Michael and Margaret Moynihan and we chatted over the din and had a foot-stomping good time.

I'd like to put all the music here, but am going to try just this video.  It turns out Michael was an All Ireland Dance champion in his day and here's a version of The Brush Dance.  Please excuse the dim lighting and patrons coming in and out.

 Hen Parties! 

Well, hen parties, the Irish version of bachelorette parties are big business in Killarney.  The Grand was really hopping on Saturday night, not only with trad music and dancing, but also streams of young and not-so-young ladies in fancy dress  who were celebrating somebody's wedding.  We saw at least six parties come through in feather boas, tutus, beauty pageant sashes, silly hats, beads, bridal party tee shirts, etc.  Some were dancing to the fiddles as they paraded by us in varying states of inebriation, heading into the back reaches of the pub where a rock band was playing.  We didn't follow them, but are pretty sure they had a good time.  These are not my photos - too dark and hectic for my iPhone!

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