Saturday, June 22, 2013

Our Western Heritage

My grandmother Annis Ruby Kurth, her sister-in-law Mamie, my Dad and his sister Virginia, for whom I was named.  I was Virginia Claire, named for both my aunts.  I did change my name, though, to Virginia Gillian later on.

This scanning is bringing up so many memories for me and Dad.  The western part of our family story seems a little distant to me most of the time, but my father and I were born in Texas, as were his parents and my brother Richard.  Many of our family vacations were to visit my grandparents in Texas or Colorado where they later moved.  My father and grandfather both worked on the Katy Railroad.  All of us kids were thrilled to be related to pioneer types.  Remember all the Saturday morning TV shows in our early lives were about cowboys - Fury, The Texas Rangers, Cheyenne, Sugarfoot, Wyatt Earp, I could go on and on, but you get the idea.  These photographs have me thinking about our grandparents and I'll have to write more one day.

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