Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Birthday, Dad

Happy Birthday, Dad - 87 today!

You're going strong and we're hoping you'll be around another 87 years.

We also hope we're as fit and active as you are when we get to your age!

I wrote a longer tribute last year and hope you'll read it if you missed it on August 23, 2010.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Peter Gudaitis

Well, this has been a terrible week.

My brother-in-law Peter Gudaitis died suddenly and completely unexpectedly on Wednesday at home in Charlottesville, Virginia.

My sister Barbara and Peter's brother Chas are there now trying to make sense and order of it all.

Barbara has to return to New Orleans next week to pack up her apartment there and move back to Virginia - she's been working in New Orleans for three years.  I know it sounds like an odd arrangement, but Peter and Barbara were an unusual couple.  They talked every day, visited when they could and really appreciated each others quirks.  They each had 100% support from the other.

We're all just so sad and can't believe we'll never see Peter again.

He was brilliant, a music lover, could build anything electronic, made some beautiful furniture, earned his PhD in cell biology, was passionate about ideas, liberal with a capital "L", unfailingly curious, adored his cats, was shy, kind, a gifted photographer and also hilarious.  When he wanted to do or build anything he did meticulous research then dived right in.

He was really good at avoiding me and my camera and I was unhappy to think I might not have a good picture of him.  Finally I remembered taking some at Elizabeth and Chris's wedding in 2003 when even Peter didn't avoid the general photography mayhem going on.

Peter used to go on hiking trips in the Sonoran Desert with his father and brother Chas.  He and Chas continued the tradition after their father died and those trips meant so much to him.  The family will scatter his ashes in Arizona at a future date which sounds to me like just what he would have wanted.

Goodbye, Peter.  We'll all miss you so much.

Here's Peter's obituary notice in the  Daily Progress, Charlottesville.  If anyone wishes to make a donation Barbara has chosen The Committee for Missing Children (address in the obit.)  Thanks.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy Birthday, Anthony

This day was hard to imagine.

Anthony who has been in my heart since before he was born turns 30 years old today.

He has always been an original, quick and creative with deep feelings he articulated from about age 4.  The most morally courageous kid I can ever remember knowing, he has always made me so proud.

This photograph was taken when Anthony was 21 heading to Ireland for the first time with very little but his Uilleann bagpipes.  He reluctantly let me snap a photo before we drove to the airport.

I'll admit I did plague both my children with an ever present camera, but how else would I have had shots like this that make me smile and tear up at the same time?

Anthony is all grown up now, working hard, doesn't have his birthday off, alas.  He's still piping away whenever the chance arises, still shares a lot with me and Ed.

He lives on the other side of the state so we don't see him as much as we'd like, but, hey - he could be on the West Coast, so I feel lucky indeed.

I love you, Anthony, and I hope this post doesn't drive you nuts!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Keuka - Quick Trip to Wine Country

Arlo and I took a trip to Keuka Lake on Sunday.  Keuka is in the Finger Lakes region of New York, near Ithaca.

My friend Dineen visits her family camp there every August and we missed going last year.

The greatest thing about this place is the total relaxation - no schedule or commitments.  Aaaahhhhh!  We had beautiful weather, hot but breezy, then rainy and breezy, then cooler and breezy.  We just sat on the deck overlooking the lake, on the lawn overlooking the lake...you get the idea.  Arlo's girl friend Martini came out with Dineen, so there was a lot of ball chasing, treats, etc. along with the lounging.  Martini is also a Golden Doodle, born one month before Arlo in 2006.  Salt and Peppa!

On Tuesday it rained and we got soaked shopping, running the dogs and dashing back and forth from the car.  We decided to visit a couple of wineries just across the lake.  Our first stop was Heron Hill

We had a tasting and met Tambi Schweizer the tasting room manager who also made the cool bistro table you see below.  It's part of an auction/fundraiser project for the area - think of those painted cows in Burlington last summer.  The materials are a wine cask and corks!

The wine was so delicious (to say nothing of making cool lamps out of the gorgeous bottles) that we bought a case to bring home and share with our Cacklefest friends, the Peeps.

Then we went on to Bully Hill for a mah-velous lunch on the deck:  grilled Portobello mushroom topped with a crab cake and two perfectly seared scallops.  More wine, too!

This trip was too short!!!  Arlo and I had to beat it back to Vermont on Wednesday for a couple of photography jobs, but we are so glad we went.  Next year I hope my sister Barbara can come again and the Peeps, of course.  Thanks again, Dineen for a wonderful vacation!