Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Visit from Philip

Our grandson Philip Davis was in town for a quick visit on Friday.  He's up from Bradenton, Florida where he's a sophomore in college, studying to be a high school English teacher.

His Dad, Ed's son Will and family moved back to Vermont in January and this was Philip's first visit since then.  It was a whirlwind trip - first to Portland, Maine to see his aunt Lindsay, then a few days up in Fletcher, VT with Will, Rachel, Keely and Emily, then lunch and a few hours with us before heading to a friend's graduation party last night and the plane home this morning to get back to his job.  Whew!  Hope he can get some sleep on the plane!

It was great to catch up with him, even briefly.  He's one of those very busy kids, always on the go.  He plans to take a year or two off after college, maybe to travel, teach ESL somewhere, be out of school for a while.  Always a good idea, in my opinion.  Real life and responsibility come soon enough.

This morning Ed and I went to breakfast at Libby's Diner (one of our favorite breakfast spots) with Philip's other grandmother Diane McArthur, also up from Bradenton.  She and her husband Phil have two other grandchildren here, so they are fairly frequent visitors.

So here's a photo of two out of Philip's three grandmothers, along with Ed and Philip in E-Sreet MX tie-dye from Uncle Scott's track in Yuba City, CA.  If you know Ed, that's his dressed up look.

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